Twitter Redux (Jan 2009 - Mar 2009)
The Hardest Interview Puzzle Question Ever - http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/001243.html
Jihad against joy - http://tinyurl.com/bgqanc
Sarkozy and the 'hobby of kings' - http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7910711.stm
Does UC really test intelligence? - http://tinyurl.com/buuv4z
[UC = University Challenge]
15 Incredible Conceptual Designs You Wish Existed - http://tinyurl.com/d359pl
"I was driven mad by the Chinese education system" - http://tinyurl.com/akszvy
Savant for a Day - http://tinyurl.com/3mz54k
[Ambivalent about this article. I find it somewhat disturbing. Feels like instant gratification on some level.]
Mysterious number 6174 - http://plus.maths.org/issue38/features/nishiyama/
Judges Plead Guilty in Scheme to Jail Youths for Profit - http://tinyurl.com/cdtncj
Mindf**k movies - http://tinyurl.com/adx4oy
"Today the level of BQG has gone so high that every serious quizzer is aware of the group" - Am I missing something here?
[Tweeting sceptically after reading this article in the Deccan Herald about the Bangalore Quiz Group]
@uvfan "The optimist sees the doughnut. But the pessimist sees the hole." I would say the pessimist sees the calories :-)
[in reply to uvfan about http://twurl.nl/hvk07x]
The Ultimate Dogfooding Story - http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/001217.html
RT @uvfan "How to choose a chart" chart - http://tinyurl.com/7uw4xv
http://edward.oconnor.cx/2005/04/rms - Was RMS was trying to be funny? If he was, I would say he was unsuccessful. Emoticons FTW :-)
How Porsche hacked the financial system and made a killing - http://radian.org/notebook/porsche
"If you can’t spot the sucker in the first half hour at the table, you’re the sucker" - Matt Damon in "Rounders"
"If we’re not failing at something on a regular basis, we’re just not trying hard enough." - Supposedly an old adage
The Next World Order - http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/02/opinion/02das.html
Tags : Twitter Redux
Posted by Rajat @ 12:49 AM | Comments