About me
I'm Rajat Upadhyaya from Bangalore, India.
(Select updates can be found here)
- Profile on Blogger
- GitHub
- Gitorious
- My Amazon.com wish list, in case you are feeling particularly generous ;-)
About the site
In April 2005, I started blogging at http://silverreflects.blogspot.com/. Blogger is an excellent platform for a beginner. But with time, I began to see Blogger's limitations and started evaluating various alternatives.
In April 2006, after much investigation & testing, I bought this domain name from Lead Networks & shared hosting space for the site from Nettigritty. With these, I moved over to the PHP-based WordPress content management system. The Wordpress site used a modified version of the NFOoverload theme.
After 2 years, I encountered a few Wordpress limitations. In December 2008, I shifted the site to a custom content management system written using the Python-based Django web application framework. The site runs on my own virtual server (running the openSUSE Linux distribution) at Linode. The current theme is a custom one which partly makes use of the Sunny theme from the jQuery UI Themeroller gallery.